2024 Colloquium at the University of South Carolina2024: Seminars at the University of South Carolina, Penn State, Texas A&M,Copernicus Center Poland, Arizona State University, and the Mitchell Institute Texas.2024 Colloquium at Waterloo Canada (2022), and the University of BuffaloSyracuse University Colloquium: The State of the UniverseBrown University Colloquium:Pheno 2020 (Plenary Talk)New Paltz and Bangladesh ColloquiaCosmology as a Probe of Physics Beyond the Standard ModelTowards Establishing the Post-Inflationary UniverseSupersymmetry, Non-thermal Dark Matter and Precision CosmologyUV Sensitivity of Dark MatterKITP Discussion on Effective Field Theory and Dark EnergyNEC Violation and String Inspired Alternatives to InflationCDM / LHC: How Robust is the Connection?Cosmological Aspects of the Landscape